sexta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2011


Eu estava fuçando o Youtube e olha oque eu acheei, ri mto kk

sexta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2011


Pessoas (que não vou citar nomes) sem senso de humor , começaram a me enxer o saco pois coloquei ela em meu blog, mas como tenho senso de DÓ... ja tirei essas fotos e videos

quinta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2011

Mechanical Bull !

In the June Festival in 2010 , the William mounted on the Mechanical Bull...See The Vídeo!

Follow the William in the Twitter: @william_iago

quarta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2011

Love ♥

Love isn't something you buy, You Conquest..."We learn to love when you aren't the perfect person, but when you learn to believe in the perfection of an imperfect person."

terça-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2011


Yeah, I promised to Kaleb. I'll go put this video of him dancing..HE IS A DRUNK!


Eardrums burst!

My love (Julia), took her sister singing a music japanese...I thought it was funny and I'll go show you! See the Video!

Ela canta bem, não? kk'

Follow the sister of the Julia in the twitter: @mahkmoura

segunda-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2011

Funny Photos!

Follow the people in the twitter: @LauhMedeiros , @MariaLuiza2 , @barexa , @JuuuliaR , @william_iago , @juliacamiloo .


Ocurred an Opera in the Laura's House, where she and her brother sang Opera!

Estorou o meu tímpano e o seu? kk'

Follow the Laura in the twitter: @LauhMedeiros

The Jane!

This is a old video, but I'll put the o video because is very FUNNY. In this video the Barexa is pretending to be the Jane...See the Video!

A Barexa é boa em agarrar o cipó, não? 'kk


Follow the Barexa in the Twitter : @barexa

Declaration of love !

The Kaleb has stated that loves ARIADNE..See The Video!

Ta aí Ariadne...Fica uma dica de com quem você pode casar kk'

domingo, 16 de janeiro de 2011

Ah Moleque!

This Video was made because the program PANICO NA TV they made the audience dance "Ah Moleque!". These people are Arthur and Kaleb.